<strong>Question:</strong>During installation an error is raised stating:
<br>Can not start main setup program (winexec). Error code 0002H.
<br><strong>Answer:</strong> The setup-program cannot find a file that is necessary for installation. Using the shareware-version this will probably be the runtime-DLL named VB40016.DLL. This file is not included with the shareware-version; you can download it from many CompuServe-forums or from our WWW-pages. The file is listed as RUNTIME.EXE.
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<strong>Question:</strong>When I try to start KatalogMaster the software stops because the file VCWEB16.OCX couldn't be loaded.
<br><strong>Answer:</strong>KatalogMaster needs a WINSOCK.DLL for the integrated browser. If the message mentioned above occurs the software couldn't find a valid WINSOCK.DLL. Please copy WINSOCK.DLL to the WINDOWS-directory and start again.
<STRONG>IMPORTANT!</STRONG>If there is already existing a WINSOCK.DLL in the WINDOWS-directory you shouldn't overwrite this file before making a copy of it! The file might be needed by another application and should be replaced again after having finished work with KatalogMaster.
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<strong>Question:</strong>When I try to start an InterNet-URL (starts with HTTP://WWW...) the programs stops with a GPF. What's the reason for that?
<br><strong>Answer:</strong>In most cases you can only use the integrated browser for surfing in the WWW if you have already established a connection to the WWW through your provider. If you are using a WINSOCK.DLL that is not 100% compatible the software stops if no connection has been established.
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<strong>Question:</strong>Immediately after having started KatalogMaster I receive
an error-message 'Path not found'. Which path is missing?
<br><strong>Answer:</strong>Please check if the directory <i>\KMASTER</i>
has been created successfully during installation. Immediately after the program has started, files in the directories listed below are checked (supposed your drive is C):
<br>(If you have stored Windows in a subdir called WIN95 you must replace
WINDOWS by this.)
<br>If necessary please create the subdirectory <I>\KMASTER</I> manually.
<strong><br>IMPORTANT:</strong> The file <I>KMASTER.INI</I> must exist in the directory <I>\KMASTER</i>!
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<strong>Question:</strong>When I'm loading some pages into the browser my modems starts connecting to my provider automatically. What's the reason for that?
<br><strong>Answer:</strong> This problem occurs especially when an automatic link to another URL is found in the HTM-file (for example a counter).
<br>Especially when you have CompuServe as a primary provider the connection starts automatically. You can prevent this by renaming the WINSOCK.DLL and undo this after having used KatalogMaster.